Friday, November 29, 2019

The Relationship between Advertising Industry and Media in 20th Century free essay sample

Introduction Advertising is a key for the economy of consumers. Without it, people would face difficulty knowing what services and products are available. Adverting indeed is vital to a prosperous social order. It is also the financial basis of important contemporary mass media (John Vivian, 1997: 315). Advertising performs the dual role of informing and entertaining in the media. It informs us of the products and services that are available for us to buy and use. Along the way, it also entertains us with some amusement, witty, or clever use of words and photos. Media advertising has another vital function. It helps offset the price of the media communication itself to customers. If we didn’t have ads on radio or television, the expense of programming would need to return through taxes, government monies, or sponsorships (Helen Katz, 2003: 5-7). Advertisers know the value of product placement. As the personal media turned into the standard and mass media fragment, advertisers are again trying how they reach consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship between Advertising Industry and Media in 20th Century or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page More dollars of total advertising budgets are diverted to more targeted technologies while a smaller percentage will be spent on traditional media. Data mining and personalized electronic approaches are increasingly critical to marketplace success. Researchers and advertisers used data mining process to see what websites a person visits, what media the consumer uses, what did she/he buy and other to uncover economic data and demographic to define and classify prospective customers. Looking out databases for prior purchase information and assumptions concerning spending habits based on each home’s location, provides advertisers with clues on how to focus on specific customers (Peter B. et al, 2007. P. 254). For many decades, the newspaper, magazine, radio and television media have been the main sources for manufacturers to advertise their products (Wilson, James and Wilson, Stan Le Roy. 998. P. 319). In this essay, we are going to find out how has the relationship between media and advertising changed in 20th century? And how both worked together? Our focus will be on radio, television and Internet, because they came to exist in 20th century and had a big influence on the world of advertising. After giving a short history of advertising, we will discuss them one by one. History of Advertising The first advertising was oral, in ancient times used by barkers in the marketplace shouting the wares of merchants. Nowadays some advertisements are still oral. If we tune in television we will hear barkers shouting the stuff of automobile dealers. The history of outdoor advertising can go back to posted notices on papyrus in ancient Egypt for runaway slaves. Notices of runaway slaves and bond servants, with rewards offered, may have been the first written advertising, instead of something for sale. During all the centuries of slavery such notices were posted for the logical reason that these valuable pieces of property did not enjoy their lifes condition (Irving Fang, 1997: 61). Even at this early point in the history, advertisements were of key importance, when it came to informing consumers about new products. Coffee is one of such example; in the Middle East coffee was introduced as a drink for the first time, in the fifteenth century. The quick spread of coffee as both a drink and a pattern of behaviour (coffeehouses became social gathering places) advertising of coffees benefits was taking a huge place in newspapers (Mediaknowall). Advertising agency was another facet of advertising in the late nineteenth century, an American phenomenon which spread to Europe and then all over the world. The notion of agency began earlier in the century in France, where newspaper publishers considered the acceptance of ads directly from advertisers as beneath their dignity. Instead, they retailed space in bulk to contractors who sold the space to those with goods to sell. Later on, this concept was adopted by American agencies (Fang, 1997: 62). Wilson and Le Roy Wilson declare that establishing the first advertising agency goes to Volney Palmer, who started the agency in Philadelphia in 1841. By 1870, however, N. W. Ayer, the Americas oldest ad agency functioning today, began representing advertisers, helping them get the best results for their advertising dollars (1998: 296). In the World War II many civilian firms cut back on their advertising budgets. Others simply changed the content of their ads and instructed consumers how to make their products last until after the war instead of selling their products . The growth of advertising can be described as fantastic from the end of the war in 1945 to the late 1980s. The exchange from a war economy to a consumer economy encouraged a spurt in advertising as manufacturers hurried to get the order for all the goods and services that people had gave up buying because of the war (Joseph R. Dominick, 1990: 366). By the 1950s, advertising in its own right was considered as a profession, not just the remit of newspapermen or poets who were unsuccessful. It draw the attention both men and women who wanted to enjoy using their creativity in order to make some serious cash. Hard-working, hard drinking, unconventional and often amoral, the flannel suited Ad Man became a recognisable archetype, the personification of a new kind of cool (Mediaknowall). The period from 1950 to 1975, saw the incredible increasing 490 percent amount of money which spent on advertising. Also during this period a number of significant developments took place. TV’s growth which was of the most important significant developments as a national advertising medium had an impact on both radio and magazines. Radio became a medium and primarily used by local advertisers. Magazines that designed for particular audiences attracted more advertisers, but general publications (such as Colliers and Look) were unable to compete with TV and finally went under. Also in this period, the consumer became a more powerful force in the Responding marketplace. To increased consumer pressure, during the 1970s the Federal Trade Commission introduced corrective advertising. From 1950 to 1980, direct advertising which was done mostly through the mail, increased by more than 800percent. This increase was due to the growth of computerized mailing lists the expanded use of credit card shopping, and the coming out of the telephone as a marketing tool. Finally, the advertisers have become more stylish in their methods appreciation goes back to the emergence of computers and other electronic data processing devices. (R. Dominick, 1990: 366) Types of media like newspaper, magazine, radio and television were the main sources for manufacturers to advertise their products but that began changing in the 1980s and 1990s. For example, in the 1980s some advertisers like Coca Cola began operating commercials in theaters before showing the coming attraction trailers; the aim was targeting untapped audience of moviegoers. The reaction of clients was not too positive. In a 1988 survey, one-third of the audiences stated that they favored the advertising in movie theaters one-third were opposed to, and one-third didnt care. By1996, a similar survey found that between two-thirds and three-quarters of movie goers only 2 to 3 percent objected the commercials and others all liked it. By increasing the advertising time to follow the lead of European nations was the next step. At that time theater patrons in France could expect to see an average of 20 minutes of advertising before the movies started. And England was running around 7 minutes of commercials in movie houses. During the1990s the traditional media also became concerned as many large department store chains turned to the World Wide Web not only to advertise their products using the Internet for mail orders but also to sell them (Wilson and Le Roy, 1998: 319). Advertising and radio The 1920s was the beginning of radio as an advertising medium. Radio became an attractive vehicle for national advertisers by the rise of network broadcasting. About $27 million was spent on network advertising by 1930, and advertising agencies were responsible of producing the most popular shows of the day. The stock market collapse of 1929 had a terrible effect on the U. S. economy. Total dollars spent on advertising dropped from $2. 8 billion in 1929 to $1. 7 billion in 1935. It would take a decade for the industry to recover (R. Dominick, 1990. P. 366). The rapid growth of radio1920s was a means of free home entertainment, the only cost after the initial purchase of a radio set was to hear such advertising as the jingle. That was no cost at all, to a population suffering the economic effects of the Depression. Prices were not mentioned in radio ads until 1932. Catchy tunes like â€Å"Pepsi cola hits the spot, twelve full thats ounces, a lot † spun around in peoples heads as often as any song on the Hit Parade. Jingles even appeared in outdoor advertisements, such as the famous Burma Shave signs that motorists read, line after line, as they sped along the American highways (Fang, 1997: 64). The Queensboro Realty Company in 1922 for five radio talks that praised the benefits of living in the country paid $300. Immediately after that other companies realized the advertising potential of this system and followed suit. Other stations began to copy arrangement, and broadcasting would be supported by advertising, so the problem of financing radio was solved (R. Dominick, 1990: 178). The idea of broadcasting commercials in 1922 took a little selling. Broadcasters worried about how the government which licensed them, would feel about what Herbert Hoover and after that Secretary of Commerce referred to as being â€Å"drowned in advertising chatter†. Broad casters and advertisers also worried about ads that spread without having control on them or without anyone having any idea about who was getting the message and what effect it was having, or whether any one at all was paying attention. An answer that was comforting came when a commercial for Mineralava cosmetics offered a free photo of actress Marion Davies, who had spoken about How I Make Up for the Movies. † Many requests poured in from listeners. Albert Lasker, an important figure in advertising industry during the first half of the twentieth century, heavily led his agency, Lord Thomas, into radio. Many of the early radio shows were produced by Lasker’s agency including the most popular of all, Amos ‘n’ Andy (Fang, 1997: 64). Reasonably inexpensive, radio lends itself to repeated play of advertisements to drive home a message introduced in more expensive media like television. Nonetheless, radio does not propose any opportunities for the visual display. Radio lends itself to jingles that can contribute to a lasting image. Even though the images listeners create in their minds from audio suggestions can be more effective than those set out visually on television. (Vivian, 1997: 322) Television and advertising Televising Advertising Jingles typified an effort to be creative, to make an ad something more than the notification that goods were for sale. Advertisers acknowledged, before most of the rest of society did, that is to be expected for the public to remember something enjoyable. That helps to explain for people who have seen the same commercial many times sit entranced to watch it again without getting bored. It is also when the program is on why a child who runs off will come back running for the commercial. More thought, cold cash, effort, and energy go into television commercials nowadays than into television programs. (Fang, 1997: 64-65) TVs prospective as an advertising medium wasnt realized until 1948, although J. Walter Thompson agency in 1930 was the one first aired the television commercial. The advertisers name has been carried by many early programs, such as Milton Berles popular Texaco Star Theater the Camel News Caravan and The Hallmark Hall of Fame (which is still on the air today), because there was only for the one sponsor total program. Soon the masses in the United States preferred the Television advertising medium among other adverting medium (Wilson and Le Roy, 1998: 298). Television can offer unmatched impact, as a moving and visual medium, and the rapid growth of both network and local television advertising, far outpacing other media, indicates its success in reaching a diverse mass audience. Drawbacks include the fact that production costs can be high (Vivian, 1997: 322). In the 1980s, a new form of electronic advertising developed: direct-response home shopping services with the development of cable and satellite TV. These cable networks (HSN, QVC, etc. ) sell on sale products directly to consumers, who telephone in their orders to banks of operators. Home-shopping networks pay a percentage of the profits from sales generated in their viewing area to the cable operators, instead of buying air time from these cable operators. This type of direct selling is expected to take on new dimensions when interactive-TV and virtual reality technologies find their position in the marketplace (Wilson and Le Roy, 1998: 298). Vivian states that advertisers were forced by the expense of television time to make their advertisements shorter and shorter. A result is ad clutter, a phenomenon in which advertisements compete against each other and reduce the impact of all of them (1997: 322). 15 second ads started running by all three television networks in 1986, this allowed them to reduce the cost of per ad, and then they could run ads twice more than before, and maintain revenue levels. The 15-second advertisements called â€Å"15s† posed a new creative challenge to the industry: covering a powerful message in half the time and they were still able to sell the product to the consumer. The popularity of 15s started to decline by the early 1990s, and they could only represent 32 percent of the market. (Wilson and Le Roy, 1998: 310) Advertising and Internet Gary Thuerk was the creator of the first spam email advertisement ever to hit the inbox, also known as the father of spam, not a very inspiring title (â€Å"The History of Online Advertising†). The earliest documented junk e-mailing was written May 1 but It was sent May 3, 1978 (Brad Templeton). In the year 1980 the time Usenet, which was an online debate forum where people were capable of posting messages on new groups, was created, it used to get flooded with new posts, but as soon as the spam and mass messaging was introduced, people were sending out huge number of emails (â€Å"The History of Online Advertising†). Rachel argued that the first online advertisement appeared on the web in 1994, prompting the starting of the online advertising world. The period of experimentation by the advertisers and publishers was the first part, pioneering on ad formats and technology. DoubleClick was one of the first ad-serving technologies which was launched in 1995, (2011). The quick growing world of computers during the 1990s also brought about a new arena for advertising: the World Wide Web. Like other newspapers in the mid 1990s, the San Jose, California Mercury News founded a news Web site on the Internet. Editors put news from the newspaper on the Web site, thus people with computers were able to select news online. Every time an electronic reader tapped into Mercury Center, as the Mercurys Web site dubbed it was recorded as a hit. (Vivian, 1997: 322) During the first half of 1996, companies spent around $66. 7 million to advertise on the web with two-thirds of the spending coming from computer and telecommunications companies. The two biggest advertisers were Microsoft ($2. 9 million) and Netscape ($2. 1 million) while IBM was the third largest spender (s2. 0 million) and ATT (s17 million came in sixth. Toyota was the 13th largest web advertiser. In the meantime, a major U. S. cereal company started dabbling in this new technology in 1996. Kellogg Company launched what was seen as the worlds largest test of interactive TV advertising. (Wilson and Le Roy, 1998: 298) In 1995, Mercury Center was receiving 325,000 hits per a day, compared with the 270. 000 circulation of the newsprint product. The potential of web sites as advertising vehicles has not been lost on newspapers or other organizations including ATT and Microsoft, which also have established news sites online. Obviously, one pro of online advertising is that readers can click deeper and deeper levels of information about advertised goods Much more information can be packed into a layered online message than within the space and time limits of a print or broadcast ad (Vivian, 1997: 322). Conclusion In this study, we attempted to a good extent to discuss the main changes and developments in advertising and its relation with mass media. As we mentioned previously that adverting is essential to a prosperous social order. It is also the financial basis of important contemporary mass media. For many decades, the newspaper, magazine, radio and television media have been the main sources for manufacturers to advertise their products and goods. The major advent in the beginning of 20th century was radio as an advertising medium. The rise of network broadcasting made radio attractive vehicle for national advertisers. Also, radio freed advertising from its relationship to literacy by communicating through music, jingles, and the spoken word. Advertising agencies were not persuaded at first, but soon radio became their new medium and advertisers discovered its seemingly endless possibilities. Next, television arrived, and its rise was a significant improvement as a national advertising medium. TVs progress had an influence on both radio and magazines. Radio became a medium used primarily by local advertisers. Magazines that intended for specific audiences attracted more advertisers. Later on, in the late of the century, the quickly increasing world of computers during the 1990s also introduced a new ground for advertising: the World Wide Web. Like other newspapers in the mid 1990s. The quick growth of the Internet as a consumer medium was huge in the history of media. As a result, we found out how has the relationship between media and advertising changed in 20th century.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Acid Rains essays

Acid Rains essays Scientific evidence has shown that atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds can harm ecosystems. Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA or the Act) addresses the problem of such effects by mandating reductions in emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, the major precursors of acidic deposition. Coupled with Titles I and II of the Act, which address new and existing stationary and mobile sources of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, implementation of Title IV is expected to provide significant benefits to the United States and Canada. These benefits include decreases in the acidity of lakes and streams, concomitant improvements in fish population diversity and health, decreases in soil degradation and forest stress, improvements in visibility (especially to scenic vistas), decreases in damage to materials and cultural resources, and a reduction in human health effects. Congress included Section 404 in Title IV (Appendix B of the Act) requiring the Environmenta l Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) to provide a report to Congress on the feasibility and effectiveness of an acid deposition standard or standards to protect sensitive and critically sensitive aquatic and terrestrial resources. Specifically, Congress listed six areas to be addressed in the report: Identification of sensitive and critically sensitive aquatic and terrestrial resources in the U.S. and Canada which may be affected by the deposition of acidic compounds; Description and specification of a numeric value for an acid deposition standard sufficient to protect such resources; Description of the use of such standard or standards in other Nations or by any of the several States in acidic deposition control programs; Description of measures that would be needed to integrate such standard or standards with the control program required by Title IV of the Clean Air Act; Description of the sta...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Art Mediums Collage Making, Charcoal Drawing, Acrylic Painting and Research Paper

Art Mediums Collage Making, Charcoal Drawing, Acrylic Painting and Water Color Painting - Research Paper Example The paper "Art Mediums Collage Making, Charcoal Drawing, Acrylic Painting and Water Color Painting" discovers the Collage Making, Charcoal Drawing, Acrylic Painting and Water Color Painting - four art mediums. Collage making involves a lot of creativity. Pieces can be put together in a number of ways to create two different types of collage; two dimensional collage, and three dimensional collage. When pieces of paper are glued on the canvas or base-board, we get a two dimensional look; this is a 2D collage. Three dimensional look or 3D collage is obtained when broken pieces of wood, glass, stones etc., are glued on a base-board or canvas. As early as 1912, some great artist such as Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris were already doing some amazing collage art. Just like any other form of art, collage is not difficult once you understand the technique and theme, it only becomes complex or simpler depending on what one as an artist is trying to achieve. Below are some sample collage artwork by some famous contemporary artists of the 20th century. Charcoal is undisputedly one of the oldest art materials so is charcoal drawing. Our ancestors used charcoal to draw on cave walls. Charcoal is very easy to manufacture and thus it is an essential artistic tool. Since it is made from selected woods in little or no oxygen conditions, charcoal as an artistic material is stable over a long period of time. However, charcoal has less color saturation when compared to other artistic materials. which have greater saturation but do not last long (Goldman 71). One major disadvantage of using is its dusting-off tendency. Despite this, charcoal drawing as an artistic medium is superb. The sensitivity and spontaneity of using charcoal as a drawing medium gives charcoal drawing an edge above the other drawing media (Fitzgerald 55-63). With charcoal drawing, very painterly drawings, as if done using a brush can be made. Charcoal drawing is so responsive, direct, and fast and is considered to be a less inhibiting medium. Charcoal drawing can produce both fluid and bold lines with greater host of textures as well as fine gradations for shadings. Several drawing techniques such as gestural drawing, contour drawing, and volume drawing can be used with charcoal. The soft nature of charcoal gives an artist a painterly feel. Charcoal is the only drawing medium which gives an artist the ability to imitate Chinese ink brush painting. This is because it is easy for an artist to imitate the contour lines o a Chinese painting in charcoal. With charcoal drawing, an artist is able to gesture without doing big shapes and getting down into detail. Just as many other drawing media, charcoal strongly responds to grain of the paper it is used on. Acrylic painting This painting medium is one of the newest. It was introduced as recent as 1955. Since its introduction, acrylic paintings have come a long way and now there is a wide-range of paints. Acrylic painting is a paint ing technique that offers both experienced and new artist a very flexible painting method. It is a water-based painting medium. The consistency and the usual texture of acrylic paintings is some-what similar to that of oil-paints. However, acrylics are available in a variety of densities unlike oils. They range from ink-like, very thin consistency that can be used in air brushes to various flow degree. This enables an artist to achieve 3Dlike effects (impasto). This

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marie Antoinette was a Victim of French Society Research Paper

Marie Antoinette was a Victim of French Society - Research Paper Example This essay analyzes the claim that Marie Antoinette was a victim of the French society. Female Victimization in Revolutionary France How British women view Marie Antoinette exposes the fact that they know it was the gender of the Queen that was besieged, and that, as contemporary scholars confirm, her prosecution for treason â€Å"was staged virtually as a morality play on the evil impact of women on the body politic† (Craciun 2003, 77). The portrayal of Marie Antoinette as a victim has an impact akin to her image as sexual behemoth in the obscene propaganda. As argued by Hunt, Marie Antoinette threatens the male-dominated public domain because she is â€Å"the emblem (and sacrificial victim) of the feared disintegration of gender boundaries that accompanied the Revolution† (Goodman 2003, 131). This peril to gender differentiation reached the outer boundaries of France and outside political scholarship. The Queen was the most prominent and remarkable enchantress at the time, likened at the initial phase of her prosecution to several legendary femmes fatales (Craciun 2003, 78): †¦ like Messaline, Brunchant, Fredigonde, and Medicis, who were formerly qualified with the titles of the Queen of France, whose names have ever been odious, and will never be effaced from the pages of history—Marie Antoinette, widow of Louis Capet, has, since here abode in France, been the scourge and the blood sucker of the French†¦ having squandered the finances of France†¦ in a dreadful manner, to satisfy inordinate pleasures, and to pay the agents of her criminal intrigues. The above statement was supported by Pierre Saint-Amand, who stated that â€Å"the execution of Marie Antoinette was by no means an affair of state† (Kilgore-Mueller 2008, 74). The Queen’s trial was not conducted in the Convention, but in the revolutionary court. At some point in the prosecution of Citizen Capet, the name of Marie Antoinette had been mentioned to d emonstrate that she would be stripped of any privileges after the King’s death. Her case was to be heard in a judicial court just like any other accused for the crime of treason. Her case was to be heard by the jury, not by national legislature (Kilgore-Mueller 2008, 74-75). The revolutionary court would target her personal activities or private life, attacking â€Å"the woman in her as much as the queen† (Fraser 2001, 123). As stated by Saint-Amand, the Queen and the woman was a victim of (Goodman 2003, 257): †¦ backlash against the advancement of women in the public sphere, against their increased visibility and competition with men for participation in social institutions. When people denounced Marie Antoinette they also denounced the excessive publicity of aristocratic women†¦ [She] was perceived as the most unbridled symbol of this new representation of women. Marie Antoinette has endlessly been linked to controversy and scandal. Sensational and scandalo us propaganda depicted her as sexually voracious and, in 1793, at her trial, she was charged of raping her son. Scholars have associated the controversies about Marie

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese new year Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinese new year - Essay Example An analytical explanation of the Chinese New Year festivities establishes the validity of this statement. The Chinese New Year is lunar, commencing on the first day of the new year containing a new moon and concluding fourteen days later with the Latern festival. Years rotate in accordance with both a 12-year cycle of animal zodiacs and a 10-year cycle of heavenly stems, in addition to bi-annual rotating stems. The animal zodiacs are comprised of the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The elements consist of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and the heavenly stems are ying and yang. This means that depending on the date, the new year assumed the name of an animal, a particular element and is categorized as ying or yang. Within the context of Chinese culture and religious belief, the nature of a year determines one's fortunes, depending on whether or not it is in harmony with one's birth year (Ki, 2005). As earlier noted, the Chinese new year unfolds over a fourteen day period, calculated by some as fifteen since preparations commence on the day before.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Several 300 Word Articles English Language Essay

Several 300 Word Articles English Language Essay The earth was corrupt before God and filled with crime. God saw the earth, and saw that it was corrupt, for all living beings had perverted their ways on the earth. If it were you, how will you paint a picture of The Flood? The famous Bible story has been numerously portrayed as the end of the world or the future of the world. Movies often focus on the repentance aspect, on making you feel guilty and on believing on the hope of life symbolized by Noahs ark. Inspiring as it may seem, it takes away the topic at hand the flood. Lego came up with something no less than extraordinary. In the first few chapters of the Book of Genesis, you will read the part where Adam and Eve realized they were naked and they tried to hide from God. Of course God caught them and banished them from paradise, however, if you try to focus on the prior, where Adam and Eve realized something and they tried to hide it, youll realize now that the action is just human nature. That action has become a human trait that was passed on to one person across history to us. We must understand what Adam and Eve felt then, we wouldnt want to be caught naked by our parents, much worse, naked and making love with someone, do we? Now, if God went away for a business trip and we were left alone, what will we do? Stay home and do nothing? I guess not. And that was how it was like during the time of the flood. Lets say God focused on other matters and when the time came that He went back home to check on His children, what He saw was something too grave that he brought about the flood. The Bible was a little figurative with its description. Lego was literal. Lego captured critical elements that show people doing something against nature. This includes drinking too much, gambling, fighting or killing each other (whatever reason that may be), cutting down trees, whatever was depicted as wrong between couples (girl-boy and boy-boy) and whatever that man is doing with the lego sheep. This is a camera moment you wouldnt want to be part of, even if you are guilty. This is like being part of a you got busted program. And we all know what happened next, the flood came and we are alive. 300 words on Talk about how detailed the creations are and then give a background on who Cain and Abel are. The good thing about the Bible is there is nothing malicious about what was being described. There is just the natural course of events. Adam and Eve was banished from Paradise and had to learn about life the hard way, they must have been really stressed with their situation. It was indeed a blessing, they had each other. Adam and Eve had sex as was depicted by the bricks and eventually, Eve bore a son they named Cain. The bricks captured a very detailed description. It portrayed the closest home possible at that time. It included fire which Adam and Even used to keep them warm and to cook food. It has a pet, a horse and the house seemed to be surrounded by trees and very near running water. If we were to follow the story, the place is conducive to raise a child. Their joy was even greater when they were blessed with another son, whom they named Abel. But the joy was to be cut short. The Brick Testament captured the story of Cain and Abel clearly without amiss. The bricks were arranged delicately showing abundant crops and fruits as well as a flock of sheep with horses, a cow and a goat which shall help one see that Cain became a farmer or tiller of the soil and that Abel became a shepherd. The bricks couldnt portray the fire but the next scene depicted the brothers giving God their offering. Even God was portrayed as a figure in the Brick Testament. He favored Abels offering which caused Cain much distress to the point that he has killed his brother. The Bricks were arranged in a storyboard display. If it can be made into modern animation, it wouldnt be short of scenes. The picture where Cain has killed Abel was very animated. The axe on Cains hand and that expression on his face, with Abel on the floor face down with a little red around him to signify the blood was a perfect rendition of the scene. The angle at which the pictures were taken adds focus to the characters depicted in the story. Genesis Chapter 4 couldnt be more clear and detailed than the way the Brick Testament presented it. 300 words on Lego South Park South Park has fast gained its popularity since it was first aired in the 90s. Its considered cartoons for a mature audience focusing on nasty humor amongst four kids. Opening its upcoming 14th season, its quite fitting to consider, where does Lego come in play? Lego enthusiasts have begun exploring building South Park characters from their bricks. Although Lego hasnt come up of a South Park themed System, Lego enthusiasts are but excited to push the concept and share their talent. Eric Cartman Eric Cartman is considered the antagonist of the series. He seems to be a sociopath behaving as if hes against everything else outside of himself and he Kyle and Kenny (the two other main characters in the series). The article doesnt say who built this Lego art but it seemed to be almost a life-size of Eric Cartman. The pale colors of his hat and shirt was ultimately captured, as well as his pale skin color. His obese body was obvious, as well as his big eyes and half-opened mouth. The Lego piece, however, did not capture the plump cheeks that Eric has. In a way, he looks malnourished but the display is nothing short of wonderful. Kenny McCormick Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You bastards! This is a phrase often associated to Kenny McCormick at the South Park series. He seemed to have a habit of dying in almost all episodes but managing to return alive on the succeeding ones. His deaths are usually gross and each time, Stan or Kyle manages to mention the phrase mentioned already. After his death, rats suddenly appear to eat his corpse. His deaths however, were cut short as another character was given more prime, Butters. The Lego depicting Kenny captures the parka hood he wears as well as his partially covered face. The Lego captured him with an axe piercing his skill and is in the process of dying because the rats are already gnawing his brain and his body. It does look violent but this is exactly Kennys role in South Park, up until the 6th episode at least. Butters Scotch In the South Park series, Butters, generally replaced Kennys character and has often become the subject of Erics exploits. He rarely complains and maintains a mild temperament until he assumes another character later on. The Lego piece captures everything about Butters Scotch, from the hair, eyes, clothes, shoes, even the skin color. It was an amazing Lego piece standing 12 inches tall. It looks even better than the plush toy. Sources: 200 words on Serious photographers will be glad to know that Ricoh has announced an addition to its recent GXR Camera System. The GXR Camera System allows a photographer to mix and match camera units (lens, image sensor and image processing engine) and as the new system gains its popularity, Ricoh decides to further enhance and maximize the GXR Camera Systems potential. Camera unit RICOH LENS P10 28-300 mm F3.5-5.6 VC The unit primarily, offers a wide-angle zoom combined with 120 frame/second high-speed continuous shoot. The addition of the back-illuminated sensor allows shooting from low light to bright light without sacrificing image quality. Tentative release is summer 2010. Camera unit GR LENS A12 28mm F2.5 This camera uses a combination of a specific CMOS sensor and GR ENGINE II image processing producing high definition pictures with smooth tone gradations. It also offers a manual focus ring that is important in specific focus adjustments. Tentative release is Winter 2010. Final Note RICOH LENS P10 29-300 mm F3.5-5.6 is going to be available for display from March 11 to March 14 at Tokyo, Japan. Product names and specifications may change until final product release. Reviews are available contrasting GXR System to that of SLR and DSLR Cameras. The pros and cons are still immature for GXR is still relatively young in the photography scene. The prices are high and may even be outrageous for some but the equipment is nothing short of excellent and only worthy of serious photographers who are not afraid to try something new. Other article source: 200 words on Canon EF 100mm F2.8L IS USM MACRO Canon developed a Hybrid Image Stabilizer around July of last year and has released during the last quarter of the same year, the first macro telephoto lens that shall help improve shots taken at closer distance or macro-shooting. The Hybrid IS technology optimizes image quality by preventing errors caused by camera shake. Blurred images are thus minimized. Canon EF 100mm F2.8L IS USM MACRO, primarily offers the Hybrid IS technology and from the term itself, a 100mm focal length, ideal for close-up and macro shots. Its other features seem to be geared on helping photographers take shots in a smaller distance, even without the need of a tripod as the new technology should help minimize the errors caused by the camera shakes. Reviews regard the Canon EF 100mm F2.8L IS USM MACRO as an optional investment. While it gives exceptional results for most of the features the lens offer, it does not seem to do justice to the press release about the Hybrid IS Technology. Seemingly a work in progress, we can only expect the best from the succeeding line of products from Canon. Other article source: 200 words on (do not mention brand names) If you have watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (or any of those Cowboy films that star Clint Eastwood), Back to the Future Part III or perhaps Shanghai Noon, then you must have an idea how Cowboy attire can be said to be both a classic and at the same time, a fashion trend. Lets take cowboy hats, for example. Straw cowboy hats are most popular for its price, convenience and practicality. Usually, light colored and should be worn on summer or dry seasons, straw cowboy hats allow the person to feel comfortable with such an airy form of cowboy hat. Wool, fur and felt cowboy hats are usually dark colored and are worn on winter or dark seasons. These help protect the person by keeping their heads warm. Cowboy hats, therefore, are seasonal, and in terms of fashion, should be used according to tradition, culture and trend. Some of the most important things about cowboy hats are: Cowboy hats are worn in public places, not at home nor in a church. Cowboy hats are used to show respect to women, officials and even church officials. Do not wear white cowboy hats after Labor day. Do not take or wear your cowboy hat in a dining table. 300 words on How to get rid of eyebags the natural way Ever heard someone tease you for being unable to sleep based on the dark circles on your eyes and you just say, yes? Then, you might be in for a long lecture. A common misconception about eyebags is that it is caused by lack of sleep. Eyebags is a collective word pertaining to anything under the eye: swell-like or puffy area, actual bags, dark circles and even, shadows and they are not entirely caused by lack of sleep. Eye bags are generally caused by age and improper diet and lifestyle. It is theorized that age makes you body weak and this includes the ligaments that hold the little fat under the eye area and as a result, pushes the fat forward causing the bag. Another theory is eating too much salty food which retains water while another is lack of exercise and body rest which makes the body weaker and thus reduced blood circulation. Nasal allergies may also cause under-eye puffiness. Plastic surgery or blepharoplasty is the fastest way to remove eye bags. Botox and face lifts are often considered as part of the procedure. On the other hand, there are other natural ways to get rid of eyebags. (1) Proper Diet, Exercise and Sleep. Any form of ailment is usually a result of abuse on the body. Treating the body will help treat the problem. Avoid salty food, exercise to remove excess salt and fat and give your body enough time to recuperate by sleeping at least 8 hours a day. Drinking plenty of liquids will also help reduce salt and fat in the body. Minimize smoking and alcohol and eat food rich in Vitamin K and Vitamin E. (2) Relax the eye area. Massage the eye area by gently tapping the eye area with your finger tips. This will increase blood circulation and relax your eye muscles a bit. Do at least once a day. You may also apply a cold compress to help minimize the swelling and relax your eye further. Usual cold compress regiments are potato slices, cucumber slices, back of the spoon, tea bags and or flower leaves. Do at least once a day, leaving the cold compress 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed. (3) Apply an eye cream with Vitamin K and Retinol or use under eye treatment available in drugstores. This is not ultimately natural but is based on natural products. You may also extract the liquid from Vitamin E capsules and place them over your eye (eyes closed) to help reduce eye bags. The key to a successful natural treatment is discipline. The natural way is something that is done in a regular basis and is not a one or two-session treatment compared to the surgery option. It does not deliver immediate results but does help a person become healthy in totality, not just for the purposes of removing the eye bags. Sources: 200 words on how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes Some people say that the concern over the dark circles under the eyes is purely aesthetic. Some attribute it to the amount of work and stress a person undergoes, while some others simply treat it as a fact of life. The truth is the dark circles under the eyes are irregularities. They are no different from flab or belly pouches, double chins or cellulite on the hips or thighs. In many ways, it maybe purely aesthetic and simply, a means to adapt to the common notion of a beautiful body but in this regard, it will be purely about health. Dark circles under the eyes, theoretically speaking, occur due fat accumulation. As a person ages, the fat is pushed outward, thereby causing shadows or circles under the eye. On the other hand, there are other reasons why this happen or why this worsens over time. This includes allergies, lack of sleep and rest, stress, improper diet and lack of exercise. Some common ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes are: (1) Balanced diet, regular exercise and enough sleep. (2) Applying eye cream and/or moisturizer. Choose creams that are high in Vitamin K, Vitamin E and/or Retinol. (3) Cucumber slices or Potato slices for 10-15 minutes, in the morning. Rinse off with warm water afterwards. (4) Cold compress and minor massage to improve blood circulation. (5) Proper makeup not a permanent way to get rid of dark circles but may come in handy. Do not use bright or light colored make-up as it makes the dark circles more visible. Use foundation first and if the dark circles do not improve, apply a concealer that is one to two shades darker than your foundation. Peach or salmon-color usually does the trick. Additional Sources: 200 words on How to Whiten your Skin One classic fairy tale has told us that long black hair and white skin makes the fairest of all women. Its been many years since and many of us still believe in fairy tales and the idea that a fair skin makes a woman beautiful. Some of the common ways to whiten your skin are: (1) Proper diet and vitamins. The skin reflects how healthy a person is. Minimize your salt and sugar intake, drink more water (over soda or carbonated drinks) and eat plenty of fruits. Vitamin D and Vitamin E helps nurture and protect the skin. Get plenty or enough sleep to help the body recuperate. (2) Use available skin care products including whitening lotion, moisturizers and sunscreen lotion. Be reminded that sunscreen lotion helps protect the skin as you use other regimens. Too much sunscreen lotion doesnt help in whitening skin. (3) Some facial wash or soaps have active ingredients that trigger peeling or exfoliation. Some contains Salicylic Acid which is good at bleaching. Be sure to consult your dermatologist as even if these products are properly tested before it reached the market, a persons skin type may not be appropriate to the regimen chosen. (4) Wash your face with a mixture of milk and lemon juice. Milk makes the skin supple and fresh and the little bleach makes the skin fairer while lemon enhances the procedure because of its natural acidity. (5) You may also use papaya juice. Apply it on the skin, let it stay for 10 to 20 minutes and rinse off. (6) Other natural methods may be combined with one and the other to achieve better results. You may use a tomato and lime juice mask, honey or Aloe vera as a moisturizer or Olive oil with granulated sugar for exfoliation. (7) Doctor/dermatologist procedures such as chemical peel or skin bleaching. Bear in mind that beauty must not be misconstrued. Amongst many, being healthy is always better than adapting to the what is believed to be beautiful. Scientifically speaking, whiter skin means lower melanin production and thus, higher risk to skin problems. Moderation is the key. Sources: 300 words on Lego Cowboys (if you will be talking about pictures of Lego minifigs, please supply me with the URL at the end of your article) Lego has consistently come up with various themes that appeal to the general public both the kids and the kids at heart. Although it is fitting to say that the theme usually rides whatever is common at the time, the Wild West remains wild and alive with the Lego System Cowboys minifligs. Sheriffs Showdown is an adaptation of a criminal chase in the wild west. With just enough pieces to set the imaginary cowboy feel, the bad-ass looking bandit and the clean and awarded cowboy sheriff minifligs completes the set with a very elegant touch of realism. Covered Wagon is a simple system, primarily capturing a transport theme. The Cavalry Lieutenant miniflig completes the set together with the horse lego, wheels and the pieces that shall comprise the wagon. If you want to complete an ideal event, try to combine Sheriffs Showdown with Sheriffs Lock-up. Sheriffs Lock-up creates the jail break set-up as in this system, there are 2 bandits and only 1 soldier which is the sheriff. Another cowboy miniflig is included but that can be treated as a casualty during a jail break. This shall add tons of fun in the Lego Cowboy world. Bandits Secret Hide-Out is all about crime never paying. From the title itself, the hide-out is supposed to keep out everyone else and with the 3 bandits outnumbering the 2 soldiers in minifligs number, this is the bandits turf. No harm can come to them with their guns, canons and tower-like hole. Whats a cowboy theme without the bank robbery? Gold City Junction captures this concept perfectly, situating only 2 soldier minifligs which includes the sheriff and 4 cowboys including the banker and the bandit. Conspiracy is the key. The theme is set in major action with bricks and pieces that connote a shoot-out or perhaps a run too common for the Wild. Fort Legoredo is the ultimate Cowboy themed Lego System. Coming with 10 minifligs and over 500 pieces to set-up a police headquarters, the set encourages many action-packed possibilities. The watch tower at the back and the two towers in front are great look-out standpoint. The spacious headquarters, the prison and the stable inside Fort Legoredo are also good areas of action. Generally, the 4 bandits will not stand a chance over the 6 Cavalry soldiers properly positioned in the system however, with great imagination, that picture can be reversed. The Lego System Cowboys Sets were first released in 1996. It was re-issued recently and is still considered a valuable collection item. Sources:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fast Food Profit Essay -- Health Nutrition Papers

Fast Food Profit The American economy relies upon competitive exchange: a process where opposition within a market creates standards for quality and price valuation. To insure the quality of American products the US government encourages a competitive market and enforces regulations. "Capitalism is a system of private ownership of capital that relies on market forces to govern the distribution of goods" (Goldstein 533). In an ideal capital market companies will produce their product to meet consumer tastes, government regulations, and beat similar competitive products. As a capitalist rule: the more competition that enters the market, the better the quality and prices. However, even though there are many fast food restaurants, the industry is able to act in a monopolistic manner. First, they are able to set the market price and have it remain relatively constant without competitive interference with respect to bid wars. Second, the clientele may choose other fast food restaurants based o n personal tastes, but are locked into the market based on speed and price. Third, besides the regulations from the FDA, businesses attempt to offer the best taste, which does not always have to correspond with quality. The fast food industry has become overflowing with new business competiting for the large fast food clientele. The companies realize the significant profit losses created by an all out bid war, so each company implicitly understands its position and market offering with respect to its competition. The silent agreement hurts consumers because they could be receiving a better price. A majority of people eats fast food because they need the food quickly and/or cheaply. The constant and loyal demand allows the mark... ...iencies, paying employees minimally, and lowering the cost of ingredients. Works Cited Franz, Neil. Taco Recall Prompts Aventis to Halt Sales of StarLink Corn.  Chemical Week Oct. 2000. 12 Apr. 2002 Web Page . Goldstein, Joshua. International Relations. 4th edition. New York: Longman, 2001. Horngren, Charles, Gary Sundem, and William Stratton. Introduction to Management Accounting. 12th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002. Ross, Stephen, Randolph Westerfield, and Bradford Jordan. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. 5th edition. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Schlosser, Eric. The Flavor Counts.  Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issues Wntr. 2001. 12 Apr. 2002 Web Page . Tevis, Cheryl. The Secret Ingredients of Our Industrial Food Menu.  Successful Farming Mar. 2001. 12 Apr. 2002 Web Page .

Monday, November 11, 2019

School as the primary promoter

Developmental assets are the basic life skills and attribute that are critical building blocks for young people’s successful growth and development. They are classified broadly into two: external assets and internal assets. Each further classified into subclasses;External; support, boundaries empowerment and expectationsInternal; constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies and positive identityThere are modalities in building the above assets and this was divided into 6 ways by the search institute;Everyone can build assets. Building assets requires consistent messages across a community. All adults, youth and children play a role.All young people need assets. While it is crucial to pay attention to those who have the least (economically), nearly all young people need more assets than they have.A relationship is the key. Strong relationships between adults and young people, young people and their peers, and teenagers and children are central to asset building.Asset building is an ongoing process. Building assets starts when a child is born and continues through high school and beyond.Consistent messages are important. Young people need to receive consistent messages about what's important and what's expected from their families, schools, communities, the media and other sources.Intentional redundancy is important. Assets must be continually reinforced across the years and in all areas of a young person's life. (By search institute)The assets that designate school as the primary promoter of are; · Achievement motivation; this is basically done by arousing the child psychology to act toward a desired goal. The motivation is usually achieved by understanding the child and appealing to the mental faculty of the child. These help children to achieve the following;Increase rate of high school completion, more students enrollment in college, student becomes more efficient, have greater expectation of success and achi eve better grades in school, the children have positive perception of their teachers, this also helps the children in knowing how to manage stress and anxiety. The child will also be able to communicate effectively.   All the above can only be achieve if proper technique is used. We should be able to focus on the child developing mind and self esteem which is very important in the child development. · School engagement; a developmental asset that focus mainly on the child’s involvement in the school activities. When a child participate in the school activities both extra-curricular and curricular activities, the child develops a good working relationship with his or her colleague and also with the teachers and it will help the child to develop and achieve the following; the child will want to attend school regularly, he will spend more time on his homework, it will also help the child in learning and use of â€Å"deep† study technique, there’s also greater f eeling of support at school which will affect the child’s ego positively, there’s also less involvement in drug use and less adolescent child bearing. · Homework; helps to achieve higher test scores, greater homework completion and accuracy, improved scientific literacy and fewer conduct problems and less marijuana use. Home work has the same objectives as that of school in general. It s helps by increasing the child's knowlegde and improve the capacity and skills it also help to reinforce what the child has learnt and also help in preparing them for the upcoming complex task.Risk factors that would benefit from strengthening of the assetsØ   Achievement motivation. This developmental asset is very important in building a child’s self esteem. Most human who have inferiority complex tend to lack adequate motivation from childhood. They simply don’t believe in themselves and this will surely affect their productivity.Ø   School engagement. This cant be underestimate when it comes to child’s development because it strongly influence the academic performance of the child and how he or she relates with outsiders. The school can provide activities such as sports, story telling through writing, visual autobiographies, using resources in the community to teach them and teachers can identify their successes which is utmost in boosting their moralsØ   Home-work. The third developmental assets who designate the school as the primary promoter of the child’s development are home works. Home strongly influence the way child learn   by reinforcing what he has learnt before and preventing the child from getting involve in some other activities that could have a negative impact on his life.Developmental assets and my personal philosophyDevelopmental assets are vital keys or tools in child’s development; I strongly believe that it enables parent and child care-givers and teachers to bring out the best in the ch ild so he or she can really make maximum use of his or her potentials.My experience and philosophyWhen I was young my involvement in school activities greatly influenced my life positively. I learnt how write my own stories such as my experience with riding a bicycle. With such experience, I have been able to develop my writing skills.The home works I did then was somehow stressful, because I always want to go and play but I got used to it and know I reinforce all my   classroom works by simply going over it again at home and this gave an edge in all my results.The motivation and teachings I was exposed to earlier in my life, I can manage stress and anxiety easily. So my philosophy in life about education is that â€Å"catch them young† when all is fresh and when all the neural connections are being form to achieve life success.ReferencesSearch institute. (1999). Pass it On! Ready-ta-Use Handouts for Asset Builders. Developmental assets. Retrieved July 10, 2008. From

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career Essay

The heart of the global economy is undergoing a tremendous growth, which has created favorable conditions for professional development accounting career paths.. The present job market is faced with competition and education in a given career choice broadens opportunities. There are numerous types of jobs for individuals to pursuit in the field of accounting with specific requirements for career ranks and particular career clusters. Previously, educators and parents have played a significant role in assisting students choose career paths perceived to be related to economic development and overall economic-driving career path. Career clusters demand similar fundamental education and training, skills and knowledge, and career pathways. Also, accounting career, just like other fields offers the professionals the opportunity to rise along the career ladder from entry level to senior most level.Accounting is the study of the procedure used by a business to track expenses, income, assets, a nd liabilities over time and at the same time adhering to reporting standards. Accounting career deals with the reporting, recording, and analysis of the financial transactions of a business. While many people think that accounting is a complex career, it is not much about subtracting and adding of numbers, yet about comprehending what those numbers mean and demonstrating the ability to apply and communicate the numbers in an approach that benefits of a business organization. Essentially, accounting revolves around the preparation and analysis of financial statements, which significantly evaluates the success or failures of the company. Accountants act as middle-men between the decision-makers and business activities. As such, they record data from transactions and translate it into a meaning and useful information useful to the management, stockholder, customers, employees, government agencies and creditors. See more:  First Poem for You Essay Accounting Career Cluster                Accounting clusters in accounting involve providing analysis and interpretation of financial records in order to prepare financial documents for regulatory authorities. The job clusters in accounting include tax advisor, auditor, budget analyst, accountant, and actuary. Clusters in accounting encompass career pathways that record, classify, analyze, summarize, and communicate a business’ financial information for management decision-making. Public Accountants               Individuals in public accounting are employed by public accounting firms. They offer a range of accounting activities from financial analysis, statement preparation, private businesses, public firms, non-profit entities and government agencies. Most public accountants are certified public accountants. The most common requirement is a CPA certification, yet there are some other accountings certificates as well, including certified fraud examiner, certified management accountant, and enrolled agents for those specializing in tax. The entry level of a public accountant is a bachelor degree in accounting or finance and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications. A mid-level public accountant must have a CPA certification an advanced degree like an MBA with a focus in accounting or MAcc is useful (Birrer, 2009). Senior level public accountant requires all the mid-level entry requirements with an MBA, or a MAcc is recommended. Financial Accountant                These are accounting individuals that prepares the financial statements based on the general ledgers besides participating in significant financial decisions involving M & A, long-term and financial projections. Financial accountants, Birrer (2009) explains, are concerned with how the performance of a company is represented by outside party, loss and cash flow to managers and shareholders. Professionals in financial accounting career path follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles set by Financial Accounting Standards Board (Birrer, 2009). The requirements of an entry level a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of business administration. Furthermore, knowledge of bookkeeping, accounting software, accounts payable and receivable. A CPA certification is mandatory for any accountant working for a public company registered with Securities and Exchange Commission. The senior level, however, requires a bachelor in accounting degree or financ e or a graduate degree in finance such as MBA. Career paths for financial accountants include staff accountant, bookkeeping, accountant, financial accountant, financial controller, and chief financial officer at a senior level. Management Accountants                  These are individuals employed by public or private companies to support their goals by performing tasks such as budgeting, asset management, cost management, and performance evaluation. Management accountants develop their career to become budget analysts that are responsible for developing and managing financial plans of an organization. There is also a cost accountant profession that works with consulting, corporations or accounting firms in retail and manufacturing sectors. Management accountants, another career path, involve participation in decisions about capital budgeting, business analysis, and shaping business strategy within a company. Management accountants require a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance and strong technology skills, particularly, in Microsoft Excel (Ankers, 2007). Career LadderPublic Accountant                  According to Institute for Career Research, (2006) reports that the entry level of a public accountant is defined by the types of roles, requirements and job description of pubic accounts. An entry level is a staff accountant, tax personal, or a junior auditor at an accountant firm. Rising through the ranks, the middle level of a public accountant is a senior associate/accountant or tax or a manager for the audit in an accounting firm. The highest accounting rank of a public accountant career path is a senior partner/partner or director of a firm also, a certified public accountant in private practice and a corporate accounting executive or a CFO in a private company. In the senior level, executive accounting oversees audits; tax, drives strategy and business developed and manage client relationships. CPA in private practice, however, works with clients on tax issues, audits or budget analysis. Finally, a CFO conducts senior level management accountant re sponsibilities. Financial Accountant                   The entry level of a financial accountant is a bookkeeper, accountant or a staff accountant for individuals with bachelor’s degree in arts, science or BA. Along the ranks, there is a financial accountant, senior financial analyst and a senior accountant for individuals with all entry level requirements. Besides, strong communications and analytical skills are necessary. The professionals must also demonstrate knowledge of financial regulation. The top most financial accountant career paths include financial director, chief financial officer and a financial controller. These positions require all mid-level entry requirements alongside excellent managerial and interpersonal skills, high standards of accuracy and integrity and a bachelor degree in accounting or finance with MBA desirable (Institute for Career Research, 2006).Management accountants’ entry level becomes staff accountants, junior internal auditor, cost accountant, and a tax accou ntant. Along the ranks, the professionals become accounting managers, senior internal auditor, and a senior accountant. Moreover, the senior-most level is a controller, CFO, director of finance or accounting. While the entry level requires a bachelors’ degree, along the ranks, a senior most position in management accountants requires solid management skills, track record of leadership and excellence in the field and knowledge of the organization and accounting principles of United States. Conclusion                  Discussing career clusters and ladder is such an interesting assignment to establish a solid career path. Accounting professionals are tasked with responsibilities in various career paths and different job ladders. In overall, the accounting field requires professionals to achieve a bachelors’ degree in accounting or finance alongside special skill and knowledge such as communication, computer software, accuracy, integrity, management skills and overall accounting principles. References Ankers, R. G. (2007). Opportunities in an accounting career. New York: Educational Books Division of Universal Pub and Distributing Corp. Birrer, G. E. (2009). Importance of selected accounting and related courses as preparation for a management accounting career. Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilms Institute for Career Research. (2006). Career as a certified public accountant: CPA : crunching the numbers and advising businesses and individuals on how to manage their financial affairs. Chicago: Institute for Career Research. Source document

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Process for Practicing Design Innovation

A Process for Practicing Design Innovation The article under consideration is â€Å"A process for practicing design innovation† written by Vijay Kumar. The article was written in 2009 in the Journal of Business Strategy. The broad area of this article is the innovation and its role in the functioning of modern companies. It is important to remember that to remain competitive and meet customers’ needs, the company should use different kinds of innovations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Process for Practicing Design Innovation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The article under discussion is closely related to the Business Process Management Course because the main idea of the article is to meet customers’ requirements by means of using innovations, and the main purpose of the course is to teach students focus on all aspects of the organization which may help satisfy clients’ needs. Thus, it may be concluded that the article and t he course are really interrelated and those who study the discipline should check this information. This article is really interesting and informative. It not just offers the information about design innovation, but also provides the reader with specific examples. It is interesting to read how such powerful companies as Apple, FedEx, etc. managed to use the innovation in the satisfaction of clients’ desires. Moreover, this information may be really useful for the future profession. The key learning points in the article are related to the design innovations and planning a competitive business. The main idea of the article is to show that the manufacturing in the world should be based not on the products but on people who want to buy those products. It is easy to understand the main focus of the article if to consider the words and phrases which kept repeating in the text: technology, business, innovation process, design process, innovation design, innovation culture, design, design management, user studies. While reading an article, it was easy to identify the blocks of the article which focused on different information. Thus, the following building blocks of the article may be considered, the introduction, the main body divided into parts, the theoretical research and the practical understanding of the problem, and the final part.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The introduction of the article covers the information about the necessity of the innovation in the modern business world. Using the concrete examples of the companies which have already applied design innovation process in their work, the author tries to show that the research is really up to date and necessary. As it was mentioned above, the main body of the paper is divided into two parts. The first part of this block refers to design models in the innovation and to the p rinciples which should be used for practicing design innovation. There are four principles: the innovations should be built around human experience, innovation is not just a product, it is a system, innovation culture should be cultivated in the organizations, innovation design processes should be rigorous and perfectly structured. The second part of the main body considers the process of the design innovation in detail. The author of the article generates seven modes for design innovation process and describes those minutely. The modes are really helpful for those who want to check the actions that should be completed for implementation of a successful design innovation process (Kumar 92). The final block of information in the article comprises reference list and the information about the author. One of the main limitations of the article is that there is no concise and informative conclusion. The reader cannot check whether the conclusions he/she made coincide with the conclusio ns of the author. Furthermore, the conclusion should summarize the information discussed in the article and state the author’s personal opinion. I was really pleased with what I have read. First of all, I got to know the design innovation process better, understood its main purpose (to meet customer’s desires and to be able to compete in global markets) and considered the companies which use this method in practice. Indeed, four principles for practicing design innovation on the basis of the analysis of the most innovative companies in the world were considered. This information may be helpful in the future as for a business manager. Moreover, the modes for design innovations were offered. The detailed information makes it possible to implement knowledge acquired from this article in practice.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Process for Practicing Design Innovation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More St ill, there are a number of limitations which were noticed in the reading. The first limitation was considered previously, that is the absence of precise conclusion. In addition, each new method and technology has both advantages and disadvantages. The author of the article dwells upon only positive and strong features of the design innovation without stating the limitations of it. Furthermore, it would be better if the author not only mentioned the modes with brief description of each one, but provided the reader with the specific example of a company which used those modes for design innovation. This information could help the reader understand the main idea of the process in detail. In fact, the general impression from the read text is positive. The author inserted a number of tables and schemes which helped understand why innovation is business-technology driven. Furthermore, the detailed information about seven modes is presented in a form of a table that helps understand the pr ocess structurally. One more positive feature of the article is that the author provides the examples when discussing principles for practicing design innovation. Thus, by the example of MP3 player and the company focus on human experience of listening to music but not on the device, I understood the main idea of the first principle for practicing design innovation that states that the innovations should be built around human experience. The useful information in the article may be related to the sources which were analyzed there. The author of the article tried to use the sources which supported his opinion and disclosed the main idea of some facts. For example, writing about the emphasis the creator of the innovation should use to make it successful, the author refers to Kumar and Whitney who state that the creator should focus on human behavior, their activities and needs, and motivations. Only in this case the successful innovation may be possible. Using the example of Nabila Mu hammad Usman charity organization in Dubai, it is easy to consider whether it is easy to apply the information from the article to real business or not. The main idea of the organization is to help people who really need it. The development of the Internet made it possible for the organization to reach the global level. People from all over the world are allowed to donate.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The organization has created its website and tries to deliver all the possible information to people who care. Different projects, like International Volunteers Day – Dec 5th, would have been impossible if the created had not used the innovative facilities like the Internet and the e-mail. Those items helped both deliver the invitation to people, to tell about the organization of the day on the web site and search for the necessary information. The Volunteers Day on the international arena may be created only if the work is provided with the help of specific steps (Nabila Muhammad Usman). In conclusion, the article under consideration opened my horizon on such a new thing as design innovation and the use of this process in practice. There were a number of lessons which I learnt. Firstly, innovation is the engine of development. Only those companies who apply innovative processes and ideas in their manufacturing are able to compete within the county and especially in the globa l markets. Secondly, I got to know that the design innovation process should be completed in accordance with specific steps expressed in the article via modes. I also understood that it is better to apply innovation to the whole complex of the procedures in the manufacturing rather than to the product only. Having considered this article, I understand that innovative ideas are important. Having checked the theoretical information on design innovation process, we should turn to practical implementation of the ideas we have. But, a thorough research on the topic should be conducted to get to know more information. Then, we should choose a sphere, identify the needs of this sphere and get down to design innovation process of the required idea according to the modes presented in the article. It is also important not to forget about the principles. Kumar, Vijay. A process for practicing design innovation. Journal of Business Strategy 30.2/3 (2009): 91-100. Print. Nabila Muhammad Usman. â€Å"International Volunteers Day – Dubai.† 29 Nov., 2009. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Water Rights in Idaho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Water Rights in Idaho - Essay Example A structure applied to redirect the water from its natural source, or diversion is usually required to acquire a water right. Usual diversion methods include pumps, head gates, pipelines, ditches and dams. The Idaho Water Resource Board is allowed to acquire water rights without diversions, referred to as "in-stream flow" water rights, typically authorized to protect some public interest in a natural stream or lake, for instance recreation, wildlife or natural beauty. "In-stream livestock" water right may also be acquired for watering livestock directly from the stream (One Plan para3-4). In some states, a landowner enjoys the right to use reasonably the ground water underneath his/her land or water naturally flowing through, on or along the borders of the land. Idaho law does not acknowledge such rights. Both the constitution and statutes of the State of Idaho assure the right to apportion the public waters of the State of Idaho. Water right is granted when a private right to the use of public waters is created by appropriation. A water right is a real property right just like property rights in land. The constitution and statutes of the state of Idaho protect private property rights. The water rights granted to individuals enable them to divert the public waters of the state of Idaho to put them to a beneficial use, in harmony with ones priority date. In property law, a right by which property is owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment by another. Servitudes allow people to create stable long-term arrangements for a wide variety of purposes, including shared land uses, maintaining the  across private lands to usual and accustomed fishing. The constitution describes the beneficial uses as domestic use, stock watering, irrigation, manufacturing, hydropower, mining, municipal use, aquaculture, recreation, fish

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Proposal for Organizational Learning Issues Essay

Proposal for Organizational Learning Issues - Essay Example All these analysis will enable in determining the appropriate solution to the organizational learning. A detailed analysis and research about the various mystifications and the alternative OLM is subject to make. It is essential to determine the talent management strategies for the organization before any decision-making process. It will ensure that organization being transmitted to learning organization. After the action, the review is discussed to ensure that organizational learning is successful and in identifying the area of improvement. Technology based training is the most suitable form of training in achieving the learning organization objective. Mystification in the organizational learning is created mainly by the diversity or multiplicity in the viewpoints. It is difficult in obtaining conceptual clarity. It clearly indicates the complexities and multidimensional phenomenon. Treating organization like people (anthropomorphizing) that is to treat the organization as a human in learning and it is creating more trouble (Lipshitz, Friedman, & Popper, 2006, p.7). Accordingly, it is subject to assume that the organization is capable of learning from them. However, no clear details exist about the transition from individual learning to organizational learning, and it carries more complexities. Chic and Mystique includes various concepts like the double loop system, mental models, system thinking, dialog, reflection, absorptive capacity, etc. (Lipshitz, Friedman, & Popper, 2006, p.12). It has created a reified in the organizational learning. There false refrains in distinguishing the organization that learn and that does not. Next is the active mystification accordingly organizations are considered to be more spiritual rather than being instrumental (Lipshitz, Friedman, & Popper, 2006, p.13). Mystification plays the significant role that creates some glimpse by which organizational learning was not subject to accomplish